Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Touching Ad about Beauty Portrayal

Dove's film is one of my top ads ever... It is about self appreciation and confidence. Beauty is not about you must have; it is about what you are.

"Each woman is the subject of two portraits drawn by FBI-trained forensic artist Gil Zamora: one based on her own description, and the other using a stranger’s observations. The results are surprising…"


The results are surprising because they show that the women expressed their observation of others' beauty while ignoring their own. We currently seek beauty from the "outside-in" instead of "inside-out". Most of the times, we are actually searching for imperfections in ourselves rather than appreciating what we are already blessed with. Ironically, we admit that no one is perfect, yet, we are constantly highlighting what we call "imperfection" which is merely "uniqueness".

Beauty may be magically embedded in a genuine smile, a loving look and even in a teasing frown. Our beauty is best reflected by acknowledging it first and appreciating it afterwards.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happiest Man Alive!

Matthieu Ricard, a French genetic scientist, is the world’s happiest man, according to researchers.

As per Top 7 Tips for Meditation from the World’s Happiest Man article in "The Way of Meditation", Ricard, now 66 years old, left Paris to study Buddhism and become a monk in India 40 years ago. He is now very close to Dalai Lama and a religious scholar.

L’auteur (M. Ricard). Prairie à 4000 mètres d’altitude dans l’est du Tibet, le Kham, au mois d’Août, l’un des quatre mois de l’année où la température est clémente. Dans le lointain se dressent des drapeaux à prières. 2004

"Neuroscientist Richard Davidson wired up the monk’s skull with 256 sensors at the University of Wisconsin as part of research on hundreds of advanced practitioners of meditation. The scans showed that when meditating on compassion, Ricard’s brain produces a level of gamma waves – those linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory – ‘never reported before in the neuroscience literature’... The scans also showed excessive activity in his brain’s left prefrontal cortex compared to its right counterpart, giving him an abnormally large capacity for happiness and a reduced propensity towards negativity, researchers believe".

I read the "Art of Happiness" by Dalai Lama some months ago. Upon browsing through the previously mentioned article, I instantly flashed back to a lot of concepts discussed in the book, For instance, compassion, according to Dalai Lama, is vital for happiness and is a fresh and genuine approach to soothing communication and tolerance amid humans.

Why couldn't be happier if not the happiest? Let's give it a try :)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Amazing Work of Art by Noel Cruz

When i first saw samples of his work, I thought they were real photos of the artists portrayed, yet it was just a doll!

Noel Cruz transforms standard dolls into a stunning piece of art! "Hisrepaints as well as his portraits are done with intricate detail to the point of being naturally lifelike in essence."
check his page at Devianart:
Cate Blanchett as Lady Tremaine doll repaint by noeling

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Çalıkuşu - One of the best Turkish Novels and TV Series

"Çalıkuşu" is a beautiful title for such a beautiful story. I stumbled across this series while browsing YouTube for some Turkish music. How glad I am that I did! After watching online the series, I could not but watch a handful of episodes consecutively... They are that good. What I have noticed since episode 1 are the mesmerizing script and the great performance. It was as if the main characters, Feride (Fahriye Evcen) and Kamuran (Burak Özçivit), were simply poets loving, scolding, forgiving and teasing each other with every word.

The chemistry is obvious between the main actor and actress and no wonder they are dating now.

After my research, I was thrilled to know that Çalıkuşu is a novel by Reşat Nuri Güntekin (Istanbul, 25 November 1889 - London, 13 December 1956). "As was a Turkish novelist, storywriter and playwright. His novel, Çalıkuşu ("The Wren", 1922) is about the destiny of a young Turkish female teacher in Anatolia; the movie was filmed on this book in 1966, and remade as TV series in 1986. His narrative has a detailed and precise style, with a realistic tone" (

I love the story because of the strikingly realistic feelings of an innocent young girl who discovers the awes and aches of love and trust. Her charming beau is a handsome man with a charming personality. Feride is an orphan and Kamuran is her cousin. She was brought up by his parents. They, too, represent complicated personalities; you adore them at moments and hate them at others. They carry huge love for Feride and Kamuran, but in many instants, they are saturated with traditional and unjust ideologies.

Humor and magical words are of the main aspects which hitched me to this series.Here are some nice vidoes (Note that the first one "A sycamore in the garden" is performed by Fahriye Evcen herself <3)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Custard Apple Bars on a Snowy Day

So I love how custard goes with apples... Why not come up with a dessert based on these two buddies?

This recipe is inspired by a cozy snowy day, where my family and I are gathered around the fire. All schools have been closed and I am already on a vacation (yaaay). What's more enjoyable to me than a gooey warm dessert in such circumstances!

Custard Apple Bars

Ingredients (20 bars)
1.5 cups white flour
1.5 cups whole wheat flour
3 cups warm Custard (may use powdered custard)
1 egg
1 Tbsp butter
0.25 cup vegetable oil
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
3 Apples (sweet apples)
3 Tbsp candied orange peels (Optional)
Lemon zest
1 cup sugar and a bit more for apples and topping
2.5 tsp baking powder
pinch of vanilla
pinch of salt
2 Tbsp chopped walnuts

1) Combine the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt)
2) Combine eggs, oil, vanilla and lemon zest.
3) Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones. Combine using your hands and add the butter.
4) Add water if necessary
5) Slice the apples into thin slices and and chop the orange peels.
6) Combine them with a bit of flour, cinnamon and sugar to decrease their moisture.
7) Spread three quarters of the dough into a greased pan (keep the rest for the topping).
8) Prepare the custard as the instructions of the custard-powder container you have. Remove form fire before they are viscous.
8) Bake for about 8 minutes, then pour the apples and orange peels. Pour the custard above, and then the walnuts.
9) Form small rolls from the remaining dough so that you get chunks of them. Scatter above the mixture in the pan. Scatter a bit of sugar above.
10) Bake at 400* for about 45 minutes or until dough is well baked.
11) May be served hot or cold :)